Candidate seeking admission in any of the academic program of the Institute is required to fill up the given application form in brochure.
The Prospectus-cum-application form can be obtained from the cash counter of the institute in any working day after depositing fee amount of Rs. 5000/- only.
Admission will be made entirely on the basis of performance of candidates at the Entrance Test to be conducted by the Institution.
List of eligible candidates will be displayed in college's website as well as on notice board of the college.
Submission of Application Form
Duly filled in application form should be submitted for entrance examination.
Mode of Selection
All the above seats shall be filled through entrance exam or interview or both conducted by institute. Candidate looking for admission as per eligibility are required to appear in the entrance exam.
One Question Paper of 3 hours duration will be given for 100 marks, which includes objective type questions for 70 marks and subjective type questions for 30 marks. It is compulsory to attend all the questions.
The Entrance Exam will be conducted in English language only.
There will be no negative marking done.
If any candidate does not receive his/her admit card, He/she may contact in the Institute before the entrance test for duplicate admit card.
Candidate must carry pencil, ball point pen and admit card at the time of entrance test
Candidates are required to enter the exam hall half an hour before the commencement of the Exam.
List Of Eligible Candidates will be displayed in College’s Website as well as on notice board of the college.