S.no. | Description | Fee structure |
1 | Registration fees | As per college forms |
2 | Examination fees | As per university forms |
3 | Hostel fees | 5,500 per month (Food + Accommodations) |
4 | Course fees | 50,100/- per year * |
5 | Uniform+ Books | Extra |
*Fees structure may change as per university and Board.
S.no. | Description | Fee structure |
1 | Registration fees | As per college forms |
2 | Examination fees | As per university forms |
3 | Hostel fees | 5,500 per month (Food + Accommodations) |
4 | Course fees | 70,500 per year (4 year)* |
5 | Uniform+ Books | Extra |
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All rights reserved by The Cyber Sikh Organisation, Orange County, CA.